What Is Anemia?
- Anemia is a condition in which you lack enough healthy red blood cells in the body to carry enough oxygen to the blood tissues.
- About 3.5 million people in the US have anemia, making it the most common blood disorder.
- There are several different types of anemia, but as much as 50% of people with the condition are iron-deficient
What are some of the key risk factors for Anemia?
Many people are at risk for anemia due to a poor diet, intestinal disorders, chronic diseases, infections, and other conditions. Women who are menstruating or are pregnant, along with people with chronic medical conditions are most at risk for anemia. The risk of anemia increases as people grow older.
If you have any of the following chronic conditions, you might be at greater risk of developing anemia:
Rheumatoid arthritis or another autoimmune disease
Kidney disease
Liver disease
Thyroid disease
Inflammatory bowel disease (Crohn’s disease or ulcerative colitis)
The signs and symptoms of anemia can easily be overlooked. In fact, many people are not aware that they have anemia until getting their routine blood work done.

What are the causes of anemia?
What are the common types of anemia? There are numerous types of anemia which include:
Iron deficiency anemia
Vitamin B12 deficiency
Anemia due to pregnancy.
Aplastic anemia, myelodysplastic syndrome, or myeloproliferative disorders
Hemolytic anemia
Sickle cell anemia
Anemia caused by cancer
Anemia caused by kidney disorders
What are the Symptoms of anemia?
At the beginning of the deficiency, symptoms of anemia can be very difficult to detect. Common possible symptoms include:
Leg Cramps
Difficulty Exercising
Pale Skin
Rapid or Irregular Heartbeat
Impaired Cognition and Memory
Chest Pain
Abnormal Stool Color
In the case of Iron Deficiency, a hunger for strange objects such as paper, dirt, or ice.
One of the most prominent symptoms of anemia is a general feeling of exhaustion, as fatigue is one of the most predominant symptoms in many patients. Some simply will feel more tired, while others will feel it while engaging in an activity. Some patients with anemia complain that their skin is looking pale. Anemia can also manifest with chest pain.
Some patients with anemia experience an unusual craving for strange foods like ice cubes and have a difficulty remembering things, feel depressed, and feel light headed.
Q & A
What are the Treatments for Anemia?
Your diet has the biggest impact on the iron levels in your body. Patients are advised to seek animal–based foods rich in iron like chicken and fish.
If you do not eat meat, substitute foods that are high in iron such as beans, spinach, soybeans, other dark green leafy vegetables, and tofu. Vegans and vegetarians can still consume the amount of iron their body needs.
The only way for those with vegan diets to consume an adequate amount of vitamin B12 is to regularly take a supplement after consulting with their doctor.
If a more serious condition is causing the anemia it is important to treat the underlying condition.
Contact our office today if you believe you may be at risk and/or are experiencing some of the symptoms listed above. Our team of doctors will determine the course of treatment that is best suited for you.