Specialized Infusion Therapy

The diseases that require infusion therapy include:

  • Infections that do not respond to oral antibiotics
  • Cancer and pain related to cancer
  • Dehydration, gastrointestinal diseases
  • Disorders that affect the normal functioning of the gastrointestinal system (IBD)

Other conditions treated with infusion therapies may include:

  • Cancer chemotherapy
  • Congestive heart failure
  • Crohn’s disease
  • Hemophilia
  • Immunodeficiencies
  • Multiple sclerosis
  • Rheumatoid arthritis
  • Iron / folate vitamin deficiency anemia
  • Hormonal therapy against cancer
  • Immunotherapy

How is Infusion Therapy Administered?

Infusion therapy involves the administration of medications through a needle or catheter. Typically, “infusion therapy” means that a drug is administered intravenously, but it can also refer to a situation where drugs are transmitted through other non-oral routes, such as intramuscular injections and epidural.

What kinds of infusion treatments are available?

  • IBD treatments
  • Iron infusions
  • IV hydration treatment
  • MultiVitamin infusion
  • Osteoporosis treatment
  • Rheumatological Disorder treatment through infusion is available

On-Site Infusion

On-site infusion has been a safe and effective alternative to hospital care for many disease states and therapies. For many patients, receiving treatment in an outpatient infusion room setting is preferable to inpatient care. Our infusion therapy suites that are ideal for patient therapy situations. The infusion patient care approach at the site offers numerous advantages, such as the use of medications for convenience, efficacy, safety, and compliance, taking into account accessibility and cost; a collaborative approach to on-site infusion that involves the patient, the oncologist, and other health care providers; and a focus on improving health 

We at HEMATOLOGY & ONCOLOGY CARE customize your care so you can receive the most advanced, least invasive treatment possible in our multi-thousand square foot facilities. Planning of the treatment involves an interdisciplinary team of medical professionals. This usually implies a meeting of different specialists we have at HOC.