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120 Dental Street

San Francisco, CA 94111


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Mon - Fri: 8:00 - 17:00

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Stomach Cancer

What is Leukopenia?

Leukopenia is a disorder in which a person has a reduced number of white blood cells which causes an increased risk of infections as a result.

White blood cells are the blood cells in the body that fight against disease.

What are the symptoms of Leukopenia?

Leukopenia normally indicates an underlying medical condition. However, the common symptoms of low white blood cell count or leukopenia may include:

  • Causes of Leukopenia
  • Unintended Weight Loss
  • Sweating
  • Headaches
  • Body aches
  • Hot-flashes
  • Fatigue
  • Muscle pain

Leukopenia can also be found together with low platelets or liver disorders.

Causes of Leukopenia

  • Bone Marrow Disease, Damage, or Suppression: When there is damage to the bone marrow, less red and white blood cells are produced, which then leads to anemia and leukopenia.
  • Congenital Disorders present from birth
  • Viral Infections that affect and disrupt bone marrow
  • Cancer and complications of cancer
  • Hypersplenism: A condition in which the spleen becomes overactive and starts removing blood cells
  • Overwhelming Infections such as Sepsis, HIV, AIDS, and Tuberculosis
  • Drugs: Medications such as clozapine, lamotrigine, sodium valproate, interferons, sirolimus, tacrolimus, cyclosporine, mycophenolate mofetil, minocycline, penicillin, and antibiotics that destroy white blood cells or bone marrow.
  • Malnutrition caused by deficiencies in Vitamin B12, Folate, Zinc, and Copper
  • Autoimmune Disorders that kill white blood cells
  • Other Infections:
    Typhoid fever
    Influenza (flu)
    Rickettsial infections
    Deficiency of minerals such as copper and zinc

Q & A

How is Leukopenia treated?

Treatment for Leukopenia is directed at alleviating symptoms and targeting the infection and treating them at the earliest. Treatment for leukopenia is usually palliative.

If cancer is the cause of the Leukopenia then chemotherapy may be done to treat the cancer that is causing it.

Vitamins and Steroids may be given to patients to try to increase the white blood cell count, because they stimulate the bone marrow to produce more white blood cells and treat Leukopenia.

May involve the pausing of the medications  and treatments that are causing leukopenia.

Contact our office today if you believe you may be at risk and/or are experiencing some of the symptoms listed above. Our team of doctors will determine the course of treatment that is best suited for you.