Take a look at what some of our lovely patients are saying|

My experience at HOC has been extremely satisfactory. It’s been 2 years since I was diagnosed with Breast Cancer-Stage II, and my progress has been only a reflection of the professional, empathetic service that I’ve received at HOC. Dr.Koduri has a very unique patient centric approach and is very well researched in evidence based treatments. I am Cancer-free. Thank you Dr. Koduri
Lesvia Carrazana - Happy Patient
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HOC Patient
In March 2011 , I went for a routine annual mammogram and was in for a rude shock when I was diagnosed with an aggressive type of Breast Cancer. It was at this time that my friend recommended that I go to HOC for a second opinion. After a biopsy , the team at HOC confirmed that the mass in my breast was indeed cancerous. This definitely meant the end of the road for us. But the team at HOC sat us down and very calmly explained to us what type of cancer I had and very confidently walked me through the way in which we could fight this. Dr. Koduri explained to me what my options were and weighed the pros and cons of each treatment. She very patiently answered my every query and also addressed concerns that I may have missed.
After a few more visits to HOC, I started feeling more confident and decided that I would continue my treatment with Dr. Koduri and her staff. All through my 25 weeks of chemo , the staff at HOC was extremely supportive and guided me very well through the stressful times. Dr. Koduri monitored me closely on my reactions to the treatments performed . To me HOC slowly became like an extended family and I felt like I wasn’t fighting this battle all alone. It’s been around 3 years now that I have been under the able care of Dr. Koduri and her staff and I can only feel myself getting stronger each day. I am very grateful to Dr. Koduri and the Staff at HOC for helping me realize that Cancer didn’t mean the end of the road but it was a small obstacle that I could overcome.

HOC Patient
I am a 35 year old non-smoker. In June 2012, I developed a dry cough which I couldn’t get rid of, for months. My doctor tried his best to help, however despite all medications the cough kept getting worse. Finally a CT scan revealed a small lump in my lung. A biopsy was done and I was diagnosed with Lung Cancer. I was then guided by my GP to meet Dr. Koduri ,as getting treated at a center close to home was one of my priorities. However, what impressed me more than the proximity of the location was the quality and exceptional level of treatment that I received from Dr. Koduri and her team.
The team at HOC was extremely meticulous, well equipped and helped me through the long Chemotherapy sessions. Every meeting with Dr.Koduri made me more confident as she ensured that all my concerns were addressed and she gave me the hope to slowly lead a normal life. I will ever be grateful to Dr.Koduri and her team for their caring and compassionate approach during my treatment and for mostly building in me a positive attitude and confidence with which I face life again.

HOC Patient
My experience at HOC has been extremely satisfactory. It’s been 5 years since I was diagnosed with Myeloma and my progress has been only a reflection of the professional, empathetic service that I’ve received at HOC. Dr.Koduri has a very unique patient centric approach and is very well researched in evidence based treatments.
She spent a lot of time reviewing and analysing every test result and discussing with us the best chemotherapy options to help fight myeloma. The team at HOC have gone above and beyond to ensure that I had a speedy recovery and I will always be grateful to Dr.Koduri for making this process a smooth ride for me.

HOC Patient
I was suffering with lower back pain for over a year and brushed it off as signs of arthritis. However it came to a point when the pain medications would not help any further and my GP suggested that I undergo an ultrasound. The tests revealed that I had a large cyst in one of my ovaries. I underwent surgery to have the tumour removed and the doctors confirmed that I had Stage III – Ovarian Cancer. Seeing my progress, I was then referred to Dr.Koduri a reputed oncologist in the area.
Since my first meeting with Dr.Koduri , I was extremely happy that I met a skilled oncologist and a wonderful human being who always gave me her undivided attention. The facilities and chemotherapy treatments at HOC were exceptional. I slowly started responding positively to the chemo and was able to cope well with the side effects. I will always be grateful to Dr.Koduri and her team for empowering me with the courage to fight cancer and enabling me to enjoy a good quality of life.

HOC Patient
I was diagnosed with Colon Cancer in June 2013 and after my surgery, I was directed by my surgeon to undergo chemo at HOC. Deciding to stick with Dr. Koduri as my oncologist was definitely a wise decision I took. I knew I was in the right place ever since my first consultation with Dr.Koduri. She eased me through the entire chemotherapy process and under her able guidance carried on my treatment with a positive attitude.
The staff at HOC are extremely friendly and very well trained . It’s been 2 years since I was diagnosed with cancer and I know I wouldn’t have made such good progress in my health had it not been for Dr. Koduri’s constant encouragement and her never give up attitude. I always thank God for leading my steps to HOC.

HOC Patient
As a fresh graduate at the age of 24 I was all set to start my career as a Systems Analyst at an IT firm in New Jersey. The first few months went well, but I eventually I started feeling very tired and hard to breathe. I brushed it off as tiredness, due to the long hours at work. But slowly and steadily the difficulty in breathing only worsened and I developed pain in my chest. One morning I noticed a lump at the side of my neck and got it checked by my local GP who suggested that I undergo an ultrasound. The results of the scan only mentioned that I had a viral infection. However, seeing my symptoms worsen, my father decided that I visit a specialist.
My GP referred me to Dr. Koduri at her Kendell Park Oncology Centre and she quickly ordered a number of blood tests to be carried out. The tests confirmed that I had B-cell Non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma. I was clearly anxious regarding the whole process but Dr. Koduri not only discussed with me the side effects I might experience from chemotherapy, but she also assured me of my recovery process as well. Although, the Chemotherapy sessions were long, the HOC staff were extremely meticulous about giving me a very high quality treatment . The standard of care from my consultation right upto my final round of chemotherapy was nothing short of professional, caring and empathetic. As of today it has been over a year since my diagnosis and as guided by Dr. Koduri and her team, I am slowly getting back to normal and am looking forward to joining work again.

HOC Patient
April 2011 seemed like the best part of my life. I had just bought my first home and was enjoying my new job as a Project Manager in a Marketing firm. And during this perfect year, an annual medical exam revealed that my blood cell count was low. I didn’t seem to worried about it as I had just recovered from a slight fever. But a few months later, my blood tests stated that the count was even lower by several percentage points and I was asked to consult a blood specialist or Haematologist immediately. My colleague then suggested that I get my blood tests re-checked and referred me to Dr.Koduri. On examining my blood work and after running a couple more tests.
Dr.Koduri confirmed that I was suffering with Myelodysplastic Syndrome (MDS), a disease that affects the blood-forming stem cells in the bone marrow. Everything seemed so complicated to me at that moment, but Dr.Koduri calmed me down and very patiently explained the condition to me and helped me understand the various treatments available. I was especially impressed at how she had a way of making the most difficult and scary situations look so simple. From then on I decided to trust her and go ahead with the Chemotherapy that was planned. The Staff at HOC were very friendly and always encouraged me to think positively. Although I know that MDS will always be a part of me, I believe that I am on the road to recovery, since I am in capable hands Dr. Koduri and her amazing team.

HOC Patient
At the age of 36 I noticed that I developed a few lumps in the right side of my collar bone and also a rash all over my body. The GP suspected an allergic reaction and prescribed some antihistamines. Slowly, I developed breathing problems and when the condition worsened , a Scan revealed that I had a huge tumour in my chest. Later a biopsy confirmed that I had Hodgkins Lymphoma. Being a mother of 2 small children, I was determined to find the best possible means to fight this disease. I wasn’t too happy with the chemotherapy treatment at my local hospital and so on enquiring further with my friends and colleagues, I was referred to visit Dr. Koduri.
Since day one at HOC, I found the staff and facilities to be fantastic. Every meeting with Dr. Koduri was very encouraging and very positive. She very closely monitored my progress and ensured that every little concern of mine was addressed. I started responding well to the treatments and I noticed that even the side effects didn’t bother me much. Today I am glad that despite the ongoing treatment, I am able to continue my daily life as a mother and for that I will always be grateful to Dr.Koduri and her support.

HOC Patient
In October 2011 I was asked by my GP to meet with Dr. Koduri after suffering a few weeks of symptoms including stomach ache, recurrent headaches and fatigue. After the nurse conducted several blood tests and various examinations , Dr.Koduri sat me down and told to me that I had Chronic Lymhocytic Leukemia. I remember I drew a blank at that time and could only hear the word Leukemia ring in my head. However, Dr.Koduri very patiently explained to me the nature of my disease and confidently assured me that she could help me overcome this. She shared with me several cases of patients who had fought back CLL with the right Chemotherpy.
That calmed me down and I decided to stick with the plan that was prepared for my treatment. The staff at HOC were extremely friendly and seemed really experienced in their jobs. Dr.Koduri regularly monitored every test that was conducted and kept me well informed of the side effects that I might experience. Although the chemotherapy made me feel weak, I realized that it was worth it. Seeing me respond well, Dr.Koduri shortened my treatment cycle from 6 weeks to 5. Last month I was overjoyed to see the results of my test as no traces of the disease were seen. Thanks to Dr.Koduri and her never give up attitude, she and her team stuck with me through this journey and helped me see the light of this day.

HOC Patient
I remember visiting my GP for a routine health check-up and after a set of blood tests were examined, my doctor noticed a pattern where my blood count was steadily dropping. I also noticed that I started to experience symptoms of fatigue and I started feeling very pale and sick most of the time. I was then asked to meet with Dr. Koduri a reputed Haematologist to have my blood work examined again. After conducting a few tests Dr. Koduri told me that I had been suffering with Severe Anemia and that immediate treatment was required. Being a very outdoor and active person, I mentioned to Dr.Koduri that I didn’t want my condition to stop me from living an active life.
Dr.Koduri was happy to help me out and so we discussed the various options to work around my pain and came up with an appropriate plan that would suit my daily lifestyle. However, this journey was no cake walk, as there were days when I couldn’t even get out of bed. I constantly needed the encouragement from Dr. Koduri that I would overcome this pain slowly and steadily. The facilities at HOC were par excellence and very patient friendly. The staff did an amazing job at supporting me through the stressful times of treatment. As on today I continue to fight this disease but my progress has been amazing. I am slowly able to lead the active life that I always loved and I know this would not have been possible without Dr.Koduri and her fabulous team at HOC.